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De Webshop » Zoek op voertuig » Zoek op US model » Ford Mustang » '15-'17 Mustang » '15-'17 Mustang Uitlaten » 15-17 Mustang Uitlaat 2.3L L4 » 15-17 Mustang 2.3L Centrale Pijp Ragazzon 55.0493.00

15-17 Mustang 2.3L Centrale Pijp Ragazzon 55.0493.00

Ford Mustang EcoBoost Ragazzon 55049300 15-17 Mustang 2.3L Centrale Pijp Ragazzon 55.0493.00

Ford Mustang EcoBoost Ragazzon 55049300 15-17 Mustang 2.3L Centrale Pijp Ragazzon 55.0493.00

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Product used on the following engine sizes:
2015-2017 Ford Mustang Coupè - 2.3L Ecoboost (233kW)
2015-2017 Ford Mustang Cabrio - 2.3L Ecoboost (233kW)

Stainless steel Central Pipe - Ragazzon Group N 
Oversized exhaust pipe diameter 70 mm

Inner outlet diameter 70 with reduction inner diameter 57
Pipe outer diameter 70
Outer outlet diameter 70

Cut of the original centre silencer.
For the installation on the original rear silencer, a coupling is necessary. (Sold separately 50.0566.80)

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